1. Goal of RHAPSODY

The stated goal of RHAPSODY is to define a molecular taxonomy of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) that will support patient segmentation, inform clinical trial design, and the establishment of regulatory paths for the adoption of novel strategies for diabetes prevention and treatment.

2. Results are included for the following papers:

Replication and cross-validation of T2D subtypes based on clinical variables: an IMI-RHAPSODY study
Roderick C Slieker, Louise A Donnelly, Hugo Fitipaldi, Gerard A Bouland, Giuseppe N. Giordano, Mikael Akerlund, Mathias J. Gerl, Emma Ahlqvist, Ashfaq Ali, Iulian Dragan, Andreas Festa, Michael K. Hansen, Dina Mansour Aly Min Kim, Dmitry Kuznetsov, Florence Mehl, Christian Klose, Kai Simons, Imre Pavo, Timothy J. Pullen, Tommi Suvitaival, Asger Wretlind, Peter Rossing, Valeriya Lyssenko, Cristina Legido Quigley, Leif Groop, Bernard Thorens, Paul W Franks, Mark Ibberson, Guy A Rutter, Joline WJ Beulens, Leen M 't Hart, Ewan R Pearson
Diabetologia xx-xx

Distinct molecular signatures of clinical clusters in people with type 2 diabetes: an IMI-RHAPSODY study
Roderick C Slieker, Louise A Donnelly, Hugo Fitipaldi, Gerard A Bouland, Giuseppe N. Giordano, Mikael Akerlund, Mathias J. Gerl, Emma Ahlqvist, Ashfaq Ali, Iulian Dragan, Andreas Festa, Michael K. Hansen, Dina Mansour Aly Min Kim, Dmitry Kuznetsov, Florence Mehl, Christian Klose, Kai Simons, Imre Pavo, Timothy J. Pullen, Tommi Suvitaival, Asger Wretlind, Peter Rossing, Valeriya Lyssenko, Cristina Legido Quigley, Leif Groop, Bernard Thorens, Paul W Franks, Mark Ibberson, Guy A Rutter, Joline WJ Beulens, Leen M 't Hart, Ewan R Pearson

Novel biomarkers for glycaemic deterioration in type 2 diabetes: an IMI RHAPSODY study
Roderick C Slieker et al.

Figure 1 Characteristics of the clusters. a. Characteristics of the five clusters across three cohorts DCS, GoDARTS and ANDIS. X-axis, cluster. Y-axis, age, BMI, HbA1c, HDL and C-peptide b. Frequency and percentage of individuals in each of the clusters. SIDD, Severe Insulin-Deficit Diabetes; SIRD, Severe Insulin-Resistant Diabetes cluster; MOD, Mild Obesity-related Diabetes; MD, Mild diabetes; MDH, Mild diabetes with high HDL. Figure adapted from: Slieker et al. Diabetologia xx-xx



